Thursday, July 17, 2008

Favourite Director Picks

There are so many fabulous directors out there, so I thought I'd choose a couple and name my favourite films of theirs.

1) Alfred Hitchcock: Rope

Although "Rope" was a flop when it came out in 1948, it is in fact a brilliant drama way ahead of it's time. John Dall and Farley Granger give amazing performances as two friends who decide to murder their friend David for the thrill and excitement of it, and who then proceed to invite David's family and friends to a dinner party, using his coffin (an old trunk) as a buffet table. Jimmy Stewart plays Rupert Cadell, their old professor and the only man capable of figuring out their scheme.

2)Martin Scorsese: Casino

Scorsese has directed an amazing array
of great pictures, and although not the most critically acclaimed, my favourite is the 1995 "Casino". Robert De Niro stars as mobster/casino owner Sam "Ace" Rothstein in this flick about greed, obsession, and power. Joe Pesci plays his best friend and conspirator, and Sharon Stone gives a great performance his beautiful, scheming wife.

3)Tim Burton: Edward Scissorhands

I love Tim Burton! He's directed so many fabulous movies (Beetlejuice, Big Fish, James and the Giant Peach) and they are all so quirky and unusual. It's almost impossible to choose a favourite, but I think I'm going to have to go with "Edward Scissorhands". For those of you who haven't seen it, it's about a young man named Edward (played by Johnny Depp) : the mechanical creation of an aging inventor. But the inventor dies before completing him, and Edward is left with metal scissors instead of hands. When he is "adopted" by a local Avon representative and her family and taken to live in an eerie conformist suburban community, Edward's life and those of everyone he meets are turned upside down .

4)Joel and Ethan Coen: Fargo

Joel and Ethan Coen have a long list of incredible films, among them "Raising Arizona", "Intolerable Cruelty", and "The Big Lebowski", but my favourite would have to be the 1996 "Fargo". William H. Macy stars as Jerry Lundegaard, a family man living in an isolated Minnesota town who arranges to have his wife kidnapped and held for ransom to get money from his father in law. However, the plan almost immediately goes awry, setting off a chain of murders and bringing in pregnant investigator Marge (played by Frances McDormand).

5) Rob Reiner: The Princess Bride

Rob Reiner has directed three of my favourite movies of all time: "When Harry Met Sally", "This is Spinal Tap" and "The Princess Bride". It begins with a Grandfather reading to his grandson from a book called, "The Princess Bride": a magical and captivating tale that and tells the story of two lovers called Buttercup(Robin Wright Penn) and Westley (Cary Elwes), and the evil prince that gets in between them. I grew up loving it and I love it still. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and it comforts you when not a lot else will: it's a truly perfect movie.

Who's Your Favorite Director and What's their Best movie?


Alice said...

Martin Scorsese: Casino - great movie:)

Ps. I don't have my favourite director, but I have my favourites movies:

1. Before Sunrise by Richard Linklater
2. Lost in translation by Sofia Coppola
3. Dirty Dancing 2 ;) by Guy Ferland - it makes me feel relaxed;)

Sharon said...

I would have to say the Terminator films by James Cameron-I love all of them!! A great post and good choices too!!

Couture Carrie said...

Great choices here! The Princess Bride is my faovrite movie of all time. But I recently saw The Departed and it almost took the cake... Was it Scorsese who did that one?

♥ Marta ♥ said...

My fav. would have to be Rob Reiner's " When Harry Met Sally" and definitely have to see " the princess bride". P.S. I just added you to my fav.links :)

Kira Aderne said...

they are fantastic and the movie that i really like more lately was Martin Scorsese with The Departed and I really enjoy too George Lucas, fantastic too!!!

a kiss!!

jess said...

i really like time burton movies. i love the princess bride. I quote it all the time. my favorite movies are wizard of oz, breakfast at tiffany's and zoolander

penelope said...

i cant decide betweeen the coen brothers and rob reiner! love themboth!

Thorofasius said...

All awesome films. There are many films I love on your list. Most special one is Fargo, Cause of Fargo I met my wife.

All great directors,

- Scorsese is a master
- Tim Burton is a magician
- Joel & Ethan Coen made me laugh most in theri