Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Dark Knight

Things have gotten pretty busy around here, so I haven't had much time to post, but I'm back now. Here's my long overdue review of "The Dark Knight."
It's the night of July 17th, at 10:30pm, only an hour and a half before the special midnight screening of "The Dark Knight" is to begin. The theatre is packed: every seat is filled with Batman enthusiasts, Chris Nolan fans and Heath Ledger fanatics anxiously awaiting the much talked about movie. I mange to find a couple of seats together for myself and my friends. While waiting for it to begin, we talk to the people around us, all equally excited for the new movie, debating the various points and rumors that have been circulating. Finally, the screen lights up. First, there is insane applause, yelling, and cheering. But as the first scene begins, all noise stops and in the crowded theatre there is a simultanious intake of breath: The movie is about to begin.

First of all, I've got to address Heath Ledger's performance. There is no doubt that it is a unique and brilliant one-- he is intensely frightening, chaotic without reason and sometimes eerily comical as The Joker. But that being said, there are other parts of the movie that are equally good. The hype and publicity centering around this film centers mainly on the late Heath Ledger (perhaps even because of his death) and the general public seems to have formed the notion that he was the only really exceptional part of the movie. This is not the case. Every part of this movie worked together to create the masterpiece that it is.

Christopher Nolan's direction and vision are incredible, as is the script by his brother Johnathan. The cinematography is excellent. The use of Chicago as the main filming adds to the dark realism of the film, turning the corrupt city of Gotham not only into a setting, but into a character itself: a motivator for the other characters and their actions. The costume design and make up are flawless. The action sequences are unlike any I've seen. And that's not to mention the performances delivered by the rest of the cast, such as that of Aaron Eckhart, who portrayed Gotham D.A. Harvey Dent, as well as the villain Two Face. Maggie Gyllenhaal is definitely a unique and great choice that gives the 'love interest' role a new feel. Christian Bale, who plays Batman himself, gave a fantastic performance not only as The Dark Knight, but as the complex Bruce Wayne. Even the supporting actors are amazing: Michael Caine as Bruce's butler, Alfred and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, and Gary Oldman as Jim Gorden.

The combination of these components result in a film that is truly remarkable: it's vastly entertaining, suspenseful and frighting, and unique and intelligent. It is without question one of the best movies ever made.

Check out this T-Shirt: I had a friend of mine make it for me just for the movie!


Sharon said...

A great top and a fab review of this film too!!


Indeed Heath Ledger's performance was brilliant!

You have a fun top!


Raiment Urbane said...

Coo top. I absolutely love this movie, It's worth paying for. You don't feel scammed in any way. haha

Style Spot said...

What a great review! I really loved reading it. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'll definitely go and see it in the next few days.
Love your top!


penelope said...

i love maggie!

jess said...

It soubds like a good movie

Ida said...

I have YET to see that movie. Shame, shame